milos noul santorini mykonos

milos noul santorini mykonos

EN: 21 Reasons to visit Milos

The perfect combination between Santorini and Mykonos

milos noul santorini mykonos

Recunosc ca titlul e mai mult pentru a va atrage atentia pentru ca sunt mult mai multe motive pentru care merita sa acordati o atentie cat de mica acestei insule.

Cum ajungi in Milos? Cu avionul pana la Atena, apoi high speed ferry din portul Piraeus: aprox. 3-4 ore, in functie de viteza feribotului, sau cu avionul (Olympicair, Aegean Airlines), durata unui zbor fiind de 40 de minute.

EN: I admit, the title is just a way to get your attention because there are a lot more reasons to direct your smallest attention to this island.

How to get to Milos? By plane to Athens and then by the High Speed Ferry from Piraeus Port: approximately 3-4 hours, depeding on the speed of the ferry, or by plane  (Olympicair, Aegean Airlines) with a flight time of around 40 minutes.

milos noul santorini mykonos

Am surprins atatea peisaje spectaculoase in aceasta calatorie incat imi este imposibil sa le cuprind pe toate intr-o singura postare. Pentru cateva dintre motivele mentionate mai jos vor urma si postari individuale. Aici vei regasi o parte din farmecul frumoasei insule Milos.

EN: I have captured so many spectacular landscapes during this trip that it is impossible for me to include them all in one post. For some of the reasons mentioned below, individual posts will follow. Here you will find part of the charm of the beautiful island of Milos.

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Peisajul lunar de la Sarakiniko

EN: The Moonscape from Sarakiniko

Probabil al doilea cel mai faimos lucru din Milos dupa statuia lui Venus. Partea proasta este ca locul este aglomerat la orice ora a zilei, dar datorita faptului ca se intinde pe o suprafata mare, ai sanse sa prinzi o portiune doar a ta de unde sa poti admira frumusetea peisajului.

EN: Probably the second most famous spot to see in Milos after the statue of Venus de Milo. The downside is that the place is crowded at any time of day, but due to the fact that it stretches over a large area, you have the chance to find a  place just for yourself where you can sit and admire the beauty of the landscape.

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Plaja langa o mina abandonata – Paliorema/Thiorichia (Old Sulphur Mines)

EN: The Beach near an Abandoned Mine –

Paliorema/Thiorichia (Old Sulphur Mines)

Daca vrei sa fii singur pe plaja, aici ai sanse pentru ca nu multi se incumeta sa ajunga la minele abandonate din cauza drumului neasfaltat.

EN: If you want to be alone on the beach here’s your chance because not many dare to reach the abandoned mines because of the dirt road.

milos noul santorini mykonos

Plaja Tsigrado

EN: Tsigrado Beach

Coboara pe o franghie pentru a ajunge la plaja Tsigrado.

EN: Slide down a rope to get down to Tsigrado Beach.

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Sate pescaresti unice

EN: Unique Fishing Villages


Sate pescaresti transformate in cazari idilice: Klima, Mandrakia, Fyropotamos. Acestea sunt unice si se gasesc doar pe insulele Milos si Kimolos – sora mai mica a insulei Milos.

EN: Fishing villages transformed into idyllic accommodations: Klima, Mandrakia, Fyropotamos. These are unique and are found only on the islands of Milos and Kimolos – the younger sister of Milos Island.

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Plaja langa o mina functionala: Voudia

EN: The Beach near an active Mine: Voudia

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Bentonit, Perlit, Barit; Sunt doar cateva dintre resursele naturale ale insulei care inca se mai extrag din aceasta zona.

EN: Bentonite, Perlite, Barite; These are only a few of the island’s natural resources that are still extracted from this area.

Plaja Geotermala – Paleochori

EN: The Geothermal Beach – Paleochori

milos noul santorini mykonos

Datorita activitatii vulcanice, in aceasta zona a insulei exista izvoare calde submarine care incalzesc apa si portiuni din plaja. Unul dintre restaurantele de pe malul marii are amenajat un spatiu unde se prepara mancare vulcanica.

EN: Due to the volcanic activity in this area of the island there are underwater hot springs that heat the water and portions of the beach. One of the restaurants on the seaside has an area where volcanic food is prepared and served.

milos noul santorini mykonos

Plaja curcubeu – Firiplaka

EN: The Rainbow Beach – Firiplaka

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Nu cred ca am vazut intr-un alt loc mai multe culori care sa se imbine perfect cu albastrul apei. Cu siguranta aceasta este plaja mea preferata din Milos.

EN: I don’t think I ever saw another place with so many colors that combine perfectly with the blue of the water. This is definitely my favorite beach in Milos.

Papafragas, Kapros & Alogomandra

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Sau cum sa faci plaja intr-o pestera.

EN: Or how to sunbathe in a cave.

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milos noul santorini mykonos

Locul in care te poti bucura de celebrele apusuri cicladice si de o plimbare printre frumoasele alei marginite de cladiri albe.

EN: The place where you can enjoy the famous Cycladic sunsets and a walk among the beautiful alleys bordered by white buildings.

O! Hamos!

sau restaurantul unde era tot timpul coada

EN: or the restaurant with a neverending queue

milos noul santorini mykonos

O! Hamos este cel mai cunoscut restaurant din Milos, cu un meniu ce consta in preparate traditionale realizate din ingrediente locale. Proprietarii detin o ferma de unde se aprovizioneaza pe tot parcursul anului. Restaurantul este celebru si pe Grecia continentala, grecii venind in weekend special pentru a lua masa aici. Meniul este scris de mana si peretii sunt decorati cu mesajele prietenilor sau ale celor care au trecut pragul restaurantului.

EN: O! Hamos is the best known restaurant in Milos, with a menu consisting of traditional dishes made from local ingredients. The owners have a farm from which they supply the kitchen throughout the year. The restaurant is also famous on mainland Greece, the Greeks coming during the weekends especially to dine here. The menu is handwritten and the walls are decorated with messages of friends and those who have passed by the restaurant.

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sau locul in care poti dormi intr-o moara de vant si lua cina cu vedere la apus.

EN: or the place where you can sleep in a Windmill and have dinner overlooking the sunset.


Restaurantul unde gasesti cea mai buna caracatita din Ciclade.

EN: The restaurant where you will find the best octopus in the Cyclades.

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Milos Cove

Sau singurul Resort de pe insula construit pe un zacamant de obsidian.

EN: Or the only Resort on the island built on an Obsidian deposit.

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Apus de soare la Utopia Cafe

EN: Sunset at Utopia Cafe

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Locul in care te poti delecta cu cele mai frumoase apusuri de pe insula alaturi de un pahar de prosecco/vin/etc. Localul nu accepta rezervari, asa ca trebuie sa iti ocupi locul cu cel putin o ora inainte de apus.

EN: The place where you can enjoy the most beautiful sunsets on the island with a glass of prosecco / wine / etc. The Cafe does not take reservations so you must come in at least one hour before sunset.


Locul cu cele mai frumoase si apreciate restaurante situate pe malul marii. Este portul principal al insulei si punctul de plecare pentru cele mai importante obiective turistice.

EN: The place with the most beautiful and popular restaurants located on the seafront. It is the main port of the island and the starting point for the most important tourist attractions.

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Restaurantul cu cea mai frumoasa priveliste si cele mai gustoase preparate de pe insula. Imi aminteste de peisajele de pe coasta Italiei.

EN: The restaurant with the most beautiful view and the tastiest dishes on the island. It reminds me of the landscapes on the coast of Italy.

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Mic Dejun/Brunch la Kivotos ton Gefseon

EN: Breakfast/Brunch at Kivotos ton Gefseon


Aici am mancat cel mai bun mic dejun din Milos si am savurat cea mai buna cafea intr-o gradina traditionala. A fost unul dintre cele mai relaxante momente ale calatoriei, prilej cu care am incercat si unul dintre faimoasele deserturi grecesti, Galaktoboureko (foietaj cu crema de vanilie).

EN: Here we had the best breakfast in Milos and enjoyed the best coffee in a traditional garden. It was one of the most relaxing moments of the trip so I had to try one of the most famous Greek desserts, Galaktoboureko (pastry with vanilla cream).

Apus de soare la Papikinou

EN: Sunset at Papikinou


Sau cum sa admiri dintr-un hamac portul din Adamas invaluit in culorile apusului.

EN: Or how to sit in a hammock and admire the port of Adamas shrouded in the perfect sunset colors.

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Cea mai buna vedere la caldera in jurul careia s-a format insula Milos. Plaja cu cel mai fin nisip de pe insula si locul in care poti privi avioanele care aterizeaza pe insula.

EN: The best view of the Caldera around which the island of Milos was formed. The beach with the finest sand on the island and the place where you can watch planes land on the island.

Apus de soare la ruinele Castelulului Venetian

EN: Sunset over the ruins of the Venetian Castle


Adica locul cu cea mai buna vedere panoramica a insulei.

Pont: opreste-te la biserica Panagia Thalassitra pentru a admira privelistea.

EN: Or the place with the best panoramic view of the island.

Tip: Stop by Panagia Thalassitra Church to admire the view.

Daca esti pasionat de design-ul si arhitectura cicladica

si vrei sa scapi de aglomeratia de pe Santorini si Mykonos.

EN: If you are passionate about cycladic design and architecture

and also want to escape the crowds on Santorini and Mykonos.