The Holy Trinity of Winter Wardrobes

Hello Snow

For some years, snow isn’t such a common thing like it used to be twenty years ago. I remember that it used to snow from the end of November until March. Sometimes the snow was so tall that you could build rooms where you could squeeze into. Now, you’re lucky if you get some snow in January. This makes you cherish even more this natural phenomenon that some people only dream of. Maybe this is the reason why every time it snows your heart starts beating faster and you start acting like you’ve never seen snow in your life.


Ever since the early days of our life, the essential wardrobe items for a day out in the snow have been the beanie, the foulard, and the gloves. You could name them The Holy Trinity of Winter wardrobes. The brighter, the higher the contrast with the snow. You can try to mix match different colours or prints as long as they are in the same hues: warm or cold.