My name is Pomegranate Juice
… and I am happy to meet you. I hope that I am not late. I have been

meaning to introduce myself to you all for some time …
… but I guess that I am just too shy and have been lacking confidence. I will try to fix this while you go through my pages, but I will also need your help in this process. It’s not easy to open up and invite everyone into your world. This will be a learning process for the both of us. I am sure that I have a lot to learn from you and trust that you will also find some useful information through my pages. I will make mistakes, so please be patient with me and let me know when I cross the line. I want to help, but please do not take me for granted. This will be my personal expertise on several matters and I am open to hearing from you and bettering myself.
There are several things that I want to talk to you about. Firstly and foremost, FASHION. Oh boy, how do I feel about fashion?! I sometimes feel bad about it, as for many it is such a vain and boring subject. For me fashion is a never-ending story. Fashion is change and reinvention. When you think that something is out, it suddenly reappears in an updated/upgraded version. When you think that you can never combine various items/trends, fashion later says “why not?”. When you think that you know everything about trends, fashions says “oh no you don’t!”. One thing that I am certain of, and this goes for every subject, is that you can never know enough about fashion/subjects that you are passionate about.
Who also loves to TRAVEL? I am sure you do too. Travelling is such a rich experience in all ways. When travelling, one does not only find out new things about the places you see and the people you meet, but also about oneself. And even though you travel to the same places several times, you still find out new things every single time. They say that you can not know a person well enough until you travel together, and I have experienced that it is true. The greatest invention of all times might be the plane, as it allows you to travel the world and reach places that you could only dream of.
What is your most important asset? Your body, so please treat it as a temple. Your body is the temple of your soul, as I once read somewhere. It is important that you maintain a lifestyle that feeds your soul but also takes care of your body. HEALTH and BEAUTY are connected, this means that healthy is beautiful and healthy means different things for different bodies. There is no such thing as a perfect body. Your body talks to you if you listen to it. It will tell you what is good for you and what is not. Please be kind.
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very good
Cool + for the post