Flori de Mai

Flori de Mai

Flori de Mai

Ma iubeste, nu ma iubeste. Nicio alta floare nu a fost mai des folosita ca simbol pe parcursul istoriei. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, “floarea alba aurita”, era in Antichitate floarea dedicata lui Artemis, zeita protectoare a femeilor.

Numele romanesc margareta corespunde cu cel francez (marguerite) si german (Margareten). Popular i se mai spune margarita, iar regional este numită aurata sau ochiul-boului.

La final am ales cateva articole vestimentare care sa va inspire pentru tinutele de vara.

Iata alte cateva legende despre margarete culese de pe internet:

Asirienii foloseau margaretele in medicina primitiva ca un leac pentru vindecarea afectiunilor ochilor, dar aveau si credinta ca un amestec de margarete presate si ulei ar putea readuce culoarea naturala a parului, facand sa dispara firele albe.

Ace de par cu ornamente in forma de margarete, vechi de peste 2000 de ani, au fost descoperite de catre arheologi in palatul din Minos. Numeroase flori de margarete erau pictate pe ceramica antica din Egipt si din alte culturi din Orientul Mijlociu.

Denumirea ei in engleza este „Daisy”, ce deriva din day’s eye, adica „Ochiul zilei”. Daisy este numele personajului feminin principal din romanul Marele Gatsby, un personaj emblematic pentru stilul si eleganta caracteristice epocii jazz din anii 1920.

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TGH Black Friday

TGH Black Friday

TGH Black Friday

Viata are un fel neasteptat de a te surprinde atunci cand te astepti mai putin. Oricat de mult te-ai stradui sa continui pe un drum prestabilt de tine sau de altii, esti redirectionat pe rute mai placute sau mai putin placute, mai lungi sau mai scurte, mai grele sau mai usoare. Locul care iti este stabilit va fi de cele mai multe ori diferit de locul imaginat de tine. Nimeni nu va sti sa iti spuna cat va dura calatoria sau cat de grele vor fi rutele ocolitoare. Trebuie sa te inarmezi cu rabdare si incredere ca viata te va duce in locul in care trebuie sa ajungi.

In aceeasi masura, persoanele si lucrurile care iti sunt destinate isi fac drum catre tine singure. Lasand la o parte partea poetica a postarii, exemplul concret este rochia din imagini. Culoarea, desi este una dintre favoritele mele, nu a fost prima alegere. Insa rochia m-a ales pe mine, asa ca in ziua in care am purtat-o mi-am dat seama ca nu as fi putut face o alegere mai buna. Croiala o face potrivita atat unui eveniment formal, unui “cocktail party”, sau unei tinute office.

Modelul face parte din colectia TGH Fashion dedicata “Black Friday” si va fi disponibila online incepand cu data de 13 noiembrie. Colectia este adresata atat tinutelor casual, cat si celor de eveniment.

Preturile produselor vor varia intre 99 si 299 Lei!

Astept momentul in care voi putea sa o port cu o pereche de pantofi nude sau sandale cu barete transparente. Daca vreau sa sparg monotonia culorilor voi folosi accesorii verde crud. O pereche de cizme statement pot duce tinuta intr-o zona mai “edgy”.


P.S.: Nu uitati sa mergeti la vot!

matching sets

Game, Set, Matching Sets

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Pomegranate: Hey Juice! What have you been up to lately? I haven't heard anything from you for a while.

Juice: Howdy Pom! I have taken some time off. It was somehow unexpected so I did not have time to inform anyone around me. How are you?

Pomegranate: Good for you! I love time-offs, especially during spring. It's a fun way to anticipate summer activities. I have been involved in some projects that made me keep a low profile. But now I am looking forward to the summer events, festivals and sports competitions included! I am a huge fan of the Roland Garros tennis tournament. I have always associated it with summer and eating cherries. Do you also enjoy watching tennis?

Juice: Yes, of course! I used to play tennis when I was a kid. My favourite back then was Pete Sampras, but now I think that Rafael Nadal is the master of the clay!

Pomegranate: I could not agree more! I am also thinking of updating my wardrobe with some festival outfits. Good vibes attached. 

Juice: I might have an interesting suggestion! I know that it's usually the other way round but during my recent trip I have developed an affinity for matching sets. I think that they are the perfect holiday must pack items. I mean if you want to travel light when you are on a two weeks holiday you can pack three matching sets in similar colours and you are ready to go!

Pomegranate: Great idea! I actually love matching sets and I have seen some interesting ones in the most recent collections. But don't you think that you might get bored of combining the sets in your holiday?

Juice: Now that you mention it, I think that the risk is high.  You are right, as usual. What do you suggest adding to the light pack if I want to keep the matching sets?

Pomegranate: Keep the matching sets and add some basics like a pair of short jeans, a white/black top and a slip dress that will save you when you want to feel all dressed up. Oh and let's not forget this season's latest obsession, the jumpsuit! You need to add it to your wardrobe asap!

Juice: Thanks for the tips. I will scan the latest collections to see if I can find a suitable jumpsuit . Do you think that jumpsuits look good on all body types?

Pomegranate: It's easier if you choose a simple wide leg jumpsuit. Do not go for prints or slim fits if you are not feeling comfortable or confident wearing them. Remember that nothing is forbidden in fashion, it's all about the right attitude!

Juice’s Choice:

vacanta in puglia

Travel in Fashion - Puglia & Cult Gaia

You can check my comprehensive guide to Puglia in my other article!

Travel in fashion – Puglia & Cult Gaia, is the first part of a series that will combine uprising brands with ‘hot’ travel destinations. Before I started writing this series, I was thinking that it would be nice to share with you information about interesting brands from all over the world that I had came across.

But soon afterwards I realised that nowadays it is a pretty difficult task for one to share new information concerning anything, because everything is just one click away, thanks to the internet. So I want to make it more interesting by associating the “newfoundbrand” with a travel destination.

Cult Gaia

I have chosen the L.A. based brand because ever since I found out about it I could not help imagining how all the bags and clothing items would fit in a Puglian landscape, more exactly a Puglian Masseria. Seeing them, I remembered about our holiday in the aforementioned region of Italy, when we were lucky enough to stay for three nights at Masseria Corte Degli Asini (Link). At first I was not sure if I wanted to give up on the comfort provided by a hotel or something similar, but when I started reading more about the italian ‘Masseria’, I regretted that we could not stay there more. FYI, a masseria is a restored farmhouse from Puglia, similar to a “hacienda”. You can find more information here: Link

Tip 1: If you want to spend your holiday in the northern part of Puglia, you should choose an accommodation with a swimming pool, as the shores are pretty rocky and if you are visiting in July-August, the small beaches will be over-crowded like you’ve never seen before.

Tip 2: If you are looking for an over the top accommodation, I recommend a stay at the magnificent Borgo Egnazia: Link

Masseria Corte degli Asini (Link) has the perfect combination for a traditional Puglian experience: amazing architecture and furnishings, a beautiful swimming pool; a delectable green garden; an inside garden where you can organise events like engagement/birthday parties, weddings, special celebrations; free bikes that you can ride through their olive trees plantations, etc.

You can also have access to a typical Puglian culinary feast, if you let them know beforehand that you will serve the meal at the Masseria. Beware that there will be a lot of delicious food involved! Breakfast is served in the refurnished old mill where the assinelli were putting the wheels in motion in order to turn olives into oil. Also, if the sky is clear you can see the Adriatic Sea in the distance.

Masseria Corte Degli Asini is a great base for exploring the surrounding attractions such as: Alberobello (Trulli Land), Martina Franca, Cisternino, Locorotondo or Ostuni (the White City from the top of the hill, a real gem for any tourist. If you want to have dinner in any of its beautiful restaurants, you need to make a reservation a few days ahead.). Also, Masseria Corte Degli Asini is situated 8 km from the sea, and the beautiful beach of Rosa Marina.

Let’s talk about Cult Gaia. I think that there is no better way to describe them than what is written at their “About” section: Cult Gaia designs beautiful heirloom items that will live in your closet forever. I look up to the fashion brands that have a clear vision on what they want to create.

Cult Gaia rose to fame in 2016 by creating an item that was instantly hunted by almost everyone in the fashion world, the Ark bag. Priced at 128$, the bag was considered an affordable luxury item, so it became an instant hit. The next year, the bag was reinvented by switching from bamboo to acrylic. Their ready to wear collection is pretty new, dating from spring 2017.

The items that really caught my eye were the most recent ones from spring 2018 and some from the fall 2017. I have a feeling that this is only the beginning of something beautiful and that their collections will get better and better each season.

N.B.: I am not sure if the shooting of the most recent Cult Gaia collection took place in Italy, but the background resembles an Italian farmhouse.

Finally, why associate Cult Gaia with a Puglian Masseria?

1. The earthy colours resemble the rich brown and red soil found in the region;

2. The orange and yellow items remind you of the warm rays of sun that embrace the rough shores;

3. The navy pieces are perfect for exploring the sea and its secret coves;

4. The green combinations not only remind you of the magnificent olive trees plantations, but are the perfect outfits for a romantic dinner by the sea.

5. The rattan accessories (bags, bracelets, earrings) set the mood for the beautiful sand and stone painted Masseria setting.

So, if you are thinking of visiting Puglia anytime soon, any of these items will get along harmoniously with the surroundings.


More Lavender, Please

They say that Scorpios tend to be obsessive. I reckon that it’s true; mostly when it comes to fashion. Each season, based on the current trends, mood-boards and personal intuition I obsess on a colour.

Last summer it was shades of green, this summer will be lavender and shades of purple. I admit that one of lavender’s cousins, lilac, has always been a favourite of mine, as I was growing up in my grandparents garden. They usually sprung around Easter, so I have always associated them with that time of the year.

Another flower, the iris, is also a personal favourite. Too bad that once you cut them, they won’t last. By the way, look at the iris to see what a beautiful combination purple and yellow make.

Speaking of interesting combinations, did you ever try to combine purple and red? You would be surprised of the visual effect that they have, when worn together. Same goes for green and purple. Also, combinations of lavender and pink, purple and fuchsia, or turquoise and purple create a classy attire.

Let’s not forget about fields of  sweet violets or hyacinths in the spring, or endless fields of lavender in the summer. They will not only make the perfect background for your perfect shot, but also seduce you with their scent.

Last but not least, ultra violet has been chosen the colour of the year for 2018 by Pantone, so if you did not have enough reasons to give it a try, maybe this argument will convince you.

My top choices for SS’18 are the silver – lavender reflections slip dress from Ralph Lauren, the lavender top from Reformation, the metallic asymmetrical dress from Alexandre Vauthier, the floral dress from Ulla Johnson, and the oversized dress from Rosie Assoulin.

P.S.: I actually also love all the Reformation dresses, but that goes for all colours and shapes.

More reasons to choose lavender: