Travel Journal Fond Ferdinand Nature Reserve
Have you ever dreamt of hiking through an ancient forest and being transported thousands of years back? I did but I never thought that it would be an ancient palm forest, containing the largest number of sea coconut trees in the world! Coco de mer is a rare species of palm tree native to the Seychelles archipelago. Unlike the coconut palm, coco de mer has separate male and female trees. The fruit, which requires 6–7 years to mature and a further two years to germinate will grow only on the female tree. But the issue is that you won’t know if it’s a boy or a girl earlier than 25 years since you planted it. People have tried to grow it in other regions of the world but the stubborn coco de mer cannot and will not grow somewhere else.
The nut of the coco de mer is the largest seed in the plant kingdom and is funnily shaped. That’s why it is sometimes called love nut, double coconut or coco fesse. And that is also why you can read some interesting legends about it. General Charles George Gordon, who visited the Seychelles in 1881, believed that Praslin island contains the Garden of Eden and that the coco de mer was the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In the Maldives, any coco de mer nuts that were found in the ocean or on the beaches were supposed to be given to the king, and keeping a nut for yourself or selling it could have resulted in the death penalty. You can read more here: Legends of the coco de mer.
The main population of coco de mer trees now grows in the national parks on the Seychelles, mainly on Praslin: Valee du Mai (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and Fond Ferdinand Nature Reserve. We decided to visit the second one at the suggestion of our guide. Although the two km long hike was pretty challenging due to the heat, humidity and never-ending steps, the story of the forest told by the local guide, the magnificent flora and fauna of the reserve and the view from the top were more than worth it. This is a must do if you go to Praslin. Let the trail begin!
We start our climb through the lush vegetation, discovering not only the famous sea coconut but also vanilla and cinnamon trees.
Climbing more steps…
Admiring the tall trees…
Meeting another resident: the gecko.
And finally, the reward from the top:
Finding some shade and catching our breaths before we return:
On the road back to the entrance, the black parrot joined us to say goodbye.
After walking through the Coco de Mer forest with me, which of the sea coconuts legends did you like best?
Write your opinion in the comment section below!
Pomegranate Juice
Photos via Pomegranate Juice
12 + 1 Tinute demne de o Nunta Regala inspirate din povestile Disney
After the show it’s the afterparty
Cine nu și-ar dori să participe la petrecerea cele mai așteptate nunți a anului 2018? Vestea logodnei prințului Harry al Marii Britanii cu actrița Meghan Markle a înconjurat lumea cu viteza sunetului și a dat speranțe celor mai mari case de modă că îi vor putea crea ținute demne de o prințesă viitoarei mirese.
Nunțile regale fascinează și încântă întreaga populație a globului de secole. Poate că cel mai mult ne încântă asocierea lor cu basmele și poveștile pe care ni le citeau părinții înainte de culcare, sau cea cu desenele animate Disney pe care le vizionăm și acum cu aceeași candoare. Regii, reginele, prinții și prințesele sunt personaje de poveste, pe care le privim cu admirație și entuziasm, și de cele mai mult ori, la care doar putem visa. Pentru că fiecare copil iși dorește ca atunci când va fi mare să își găsească prințul sau prințesa.
Cu ocazia nunții regale iți propun un exercițiu de imaginație. Cum ar fi să te numeri printre norocoșii invitați la petrecerea restrânsă de după ceremonie? Ce ținută ai alege dacă nu ai avea un dress code de respectat? Ai îndrăzni să ieși din zona de confort și ai alege o ținută extravagantă? Sau ai alege mai degrabă branduri recunoscute pentru simplitatea și eleganța modelelor?
P.S. Am descoperit recent că cei de la Disney Paris organizează și nunți. Așa că visul vostru de a avea o nuntă ca în basme se poate transforma în realitate!
Albă ca Zăpada
Simplitatea și frumusețea Albei ca Zăpada se regăsesc în orice creație Chanel.
O salopetă strălucitoare Halpern care să reflecte (la propriu și la figurat) personalitatea efervescentă a prințesei Jasmine.
Pentru Rapunzel, pădurea reprezintă nu numai locul care îi amintește de copilărie, ci și spațiul în care se retrage când are nevoie să se încarce cu energie. Richard Quinn este designerul pe care stă cu ochii chiar și regina Elisabeta, așa că alegerea unui design din cea mai recentă colecție a sa ar fi una inspirată.
Superputerea prințesei Elsa constă în abilitatea de a controla zăpada și gheața. La început acest dar se dovedește a fi o provocare, însă pe parcurs ea ajunge să își controleze sentimentele și, prin intermediul lor, superputerea. Culoarea rochiei Talbot Runhof este cea a ghețarilor de la Polul Nord, iar volanul stropit cu roz pe margini și căzut delicat pe umeri este ‘Elsa-worthy’.
Deși se înscrie în lupta cu armata hunilor mânată de instinct, Mulan este o fată sensibilă și grațioasă. Dragostea pentru familie și semeni îi dă curaj și o înzestrează cu puteri nebănuite. În feng shui, galbenul este culoarea soarelui care aduce lumină în viețile oamenilor, așa cum a făcut-o și Mulan.
Photos via Vogue Runway
Dear Summer Festival Season
Dear Summer,
This is not one of the thousands of love letters that you receive daily. I was pretty worried in the last few weeks. I thought that you were never going to come back and visit us. I started wondering if I did something wrong last time we talked. Maybe I stayed up too long and lost time listening to my favourite bands. It’s true that I tend to lose track of time when I attend a festival, but can you blame me for trying to make the most and the best of the short time that I have with you?
Perhaps I ate too many of your fruits! I am sorry that I did not share the strawberries and cherries with my other colleagues. It’s just that I cannot stop eating them once I feel their taste in my mouth. You know that nothing compares with the taste of the fresh strawberries from my grandparents’ garden! You’ve also tried them. So this cannot be the reason.
I know! It’s because I had lain too much in the Sun, when you warned me that it’s dangerous. You asked me to go to the beach early in the morning or late in the afternoon and I stayed all day. Sorry but once I get on the beach, I cannot leave until the Sun sets. And no, you cannot blame me for eating too much gelato. I saw you eating all the passion fruit and mango buckets last year.
I even tried to visit you in your residential park back in April but you were so busy with your work that you did not have time to receive me. I must admit that I enjoyed spending time in your residential area but I don’t think that I would be able to live there. So I perfectly understand that you want to travel around the world. I know that you only have time to visit us for 3 months but I really wish that you would stay longer. So please come back soon, so we can have a proper conversation.
Yours truly,
Pomegranate Juice
P.S: I love you
Game, Set, Matching Sets
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Pomegranate: Hey Juice! What have you been up to lately? I haven't heard anything from you for a while.
Juice: Howdy Pom! I have taken some time off. It was somehow unexpected so I did not have time to inform anyone around me. How are you?
Pomegranate: Good for you! I love time-offs, especially during spring. It's a fun way to anticipate summer activities. I have been involved in some projects that made me keep a low profile. But now I am looking forward to the summer events, festivals and sports competitions included! I am a huge fan of the Roland Garros tennis tournament. I have always associated it with summer and eating cherries. Do you also enjoy watching tennis?
Juice: Yes, of course! I used to play tennis when I was a kid. My favourite back then was Pete Sampras, but now I think that Rafael Nadal is the master of the clay!
Pomegranate: I could not agree more! I am also thinking of updating my wardrobe with some festival outfits. Good vibes attached.
Juice: I might have an interesting suggestion! I know that it's usually the other way round but during my recent trip I have developed an affinity for matching sets. I think that they are the perfect holiday must pack items. I mean if you want to travel light when you are on a two weeks holiday you can pack three matching sets in similar colours and you are ready to go!
Pomegranate: Great idea! I actually love matching sets and I have seen some interesting ones in the most recent collections. But don't you think that you might get bored of combining the sets in your holiday?
Juice: Now that you mention it, I think that the risk is high. You are right, as usual. What do you suggest adding to the light pack if I want to keep the matching sets?
Pomegranate: Keep the matching sets and add some basics like a pair of short jeans, a white/black top and a slip dress that will save you when you want to feel all dressed up. Oh and let's not forget this season's latest obsession, the jumpsuit! You need to add it to your wardrobe asap!
Juice: Thanks for the tips. I will scan the latest collections to see if I can find a suitable jumpsuit . Do you think that jumpsuits look good on all body types?
Pomegranate: It's easier if you choose a simple wide leg jumpsuit. Do not go for prints or slim fits if you are not feeling comfortable or confident wearing them. Remember that nothing is forbidden in fashion, it's all about the right attitude!
Photos via Reformation, BSB, Christine Alcalay, Vogue, Revolve, Faithfull the Brand, Zimmermann, Murmur, Uterque.
Ce să porți la un interviu?
Un interviu se poate transforma într-o întâlnire solicitantă chiar și pentru cele mai bine pregătite persoane. Cu atât mai mult dacă este pentru acel “dream job”. La fel ca în competițiile sportive, nu trebuie să punctezi doar la proba tehnică ci și la cea artistică, prin carismă și personalitate. Prima impresie este foarte importantă, așa că trebuie să acorzi atenție sporită ținutei.
Este necesar să te simți confortabil în hainele pe care le-ai ales, astfel încât să transmiți în același timp încredere și relaxare.
Hainele trebuie să te reprezinte, mărimea să fie potrivită, iar încălțămintea nu trebuie să te strângă sau să iți fie incomodă (ex.: dacă nu îți place să porți tocuri, nu este momentul să faci experimente). Dar cum reușești să porți ceva care să te distingă de restul candidaților?
Înlocuiește combinația fustă creion/pantaloni țigaretă și cămașă cu o fustă care se prinde în jurul taliei și o bluză cu imprimeu. Îndrăznește să combini imprimeurile!
Dacă preferi varianta fustă creion/pantaloni țigaretă și cămașă, optează pentru un look grafic inspirat din colecția Balenciaga.
Costumul clasic negru/gri poate fi înlocuit de unul cu imprimeu sau unul în culori pastelate. Accesorizează-l cu o geantă care se leagă în jurul șoldului.
Păstrează rochia office pentru ședințele de la birou și alege să porți la interviu o rochie sacou, cea mai recentă obsesie a deignerilor.
În zilele răcoroase, alege să porți obiectul vestimentar preferat al Victoriei Beckham, fusta plisată. Combin-o cu o maletă sau o cămașă simplă și subliniază-ți talia cu ajutorul unei curele.
Dacă ești curajoasă și îți place să îți asumi riscuri, alege sa porți o salopetă împreună cu o maletă sau o cămașă albă.
Vara, optează pentru o pereche de pantaloni culottes și o bluză vaporoasă sau un sacou in stil kimono.
Dacă pantalonii culottes nu sunt în topul preferințelor tale, încearcă aceeași combinație cu o pereche de pantaloni palazzo.
Când interviul nu se desfășoară la birou, și este mai degrabă o întâlnire într-un mediu relaxat, poartă rochia preferată (midi cu imprimeu floral 🙂 ) cu o jachetă bomber din satin.
Atenție următoarea combinație se adresează victimelor modei! 🙂
Așadar, dacă iubești moda și vrei ca cei pentru care vei lucra să știe asta de la prima vedere, combină imprimeurile în carouri având ca sursă de inspirație ultimele colecții Burberry.
Photos via, H&M, Zara, Reformation, Burberry
Sustainable Fashion: Truth or Dare?
Sustainable Fashion – Truth or Dare?
Sustainability in fashion is a pretty difficult subject to handle. For that matter I am still not sure if the terms are compatible. I am not even sure if I am entitled to approach this subject. It is something that I want to read more about and apply it on my personal choices.
Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world. It is not the first nor the second, but using the resources from the most polluting ones as electricity, heat and agriculture makes it a top offender. Starting with the production of the raw materials, continuing with manufacturing and shipping and ending with the disposal of the clothing item, the fashion’s industry end to end process can have a big impact on the environment.
What the fashion companies need to do: ‘Innovate or die’. This might sound tough but as the climate issue is one of the most hyped subjects of the moment, consumers start to be more aware of the impact that this industry has on the planet. In 2017, the Copenhagen Fashion Summit together with the Boston Consulting Group created The Pulse of the Fashion Industry Report. The highlights of the report, as presented on their website and inside the pages are the below:
As of today, the sustainability ``pulse`` of the industry is weak – scoring only 32 out of 100. Company size, far more than price positioning, correlates with a higher Pulse Score: most large fashion brands show progress, but the great mass of small to midsize firms representing around half of the market—a blind spot in the industry—have done little to improve their impact.
Apparel consumption is projected to rise by 63%, to 102 million tons in 2030, increasing the need for the fashion industry to address its environmental and social footprint. If the global population rises as expected to 8.5 billion people by 2030, the overall apparel consumption will rise by 63%, an equivalent of more than 500 billion T-shirts.
Today, humankind produces 2.1 billion tons of waste per year. In terms of annual ecological footprint, the world’s population already produces more than 1.6 times what the earth can absorb in the same timeframe. Assuming today’s current solid waste during production and at end-of-use, the industry’s waste will increase by about 60% between 2015 and 2030. The vast majority of clothing waste ends up in landfills or is incinerated; globally, only 20% of clothing is collected for reuse or recycling.
In many Asian nations, the sector’s minimum wages are less than half of what can be considered a living wage. The gaps between minimum wages and living wages are equally staggering in Eastern Europe and Turkey. This issue is heightened with the many factories that fail to comply with their countries’ minimum wage laws.
For example, in major textile manufacturing countries like India, the level of noncompliance reaches 51%. If there is no systematic, concerted push to respond to those realities, more than one-third of workers in the sector globally are projected to be paid less than the minimum wage by 2030.
Did you know that cotton, even organic cotton, is not that environmentally friendly as you might think? The “thirsty, little plant”, consumes more than its share of water, therefore has a great impact on water consumption. What is happening with the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan, the 6th cotton producer in the world, is an extreme example of the impact that excessive cotton farming has on the environment.
During the 60’s two of its main rivers, Amu Darya and Syr Darya, were diverted from their main course in order to transform the arid soil into a fertile one for agricultural purposes (cotton farming being one of them). The result was the drying of the Aral Sea, which affected not only the fishing communities from the area, but also the weather by making the region’s winters much colder and summers hotter and drier. Excessive cotton farming is also affecting Pakistan (Indus river), China, India, USA and Australia.
Some companies are interpreting the eco-friendly trend in a wrong way. Due to the fact that the demand for clothing is higher, they are buying unused plastic bottles, which they can recycle into polyester, a ‘greener option’ when compared to nylon or polyester made from petrochemicals. Let’s stick to recycling used plastic, guys. 🙂
Cool websites where I have found useful information concerning the subject: Ecocult, Ecowatch, Copenhagen Fashion Summit
What we can do:
Invest in quality garments that have a clean background and that last longer;
Try sticking to the shapes and colours that fit you best. Do not order something that you are not sure of. e.g. not sure if the colour suits you, or the shape is good for your body type. I support changes in styling, but it’s best to try the new product in stores;
Support the fashion companies that are going eco-friendly, by investing in their pieces, even if they are more expensive.
The good news is that some companies are taking action concerning sustainability: high-end brands such as Ralph Lauren and Stella McCartney, fast fashion retailers Zara, H&M – Conscious Division, Mango – Committed Division, or the Jeans Guru – Levi’s. The annual Global Change Award, initiated by the non-profit H&M Foundation, wants to protect the planet and living conditions by helping start-up companies that offer eco friendly textile alternatives. This year the 1 million prize went to five different companies:
Crop-A-Porter/Agraloop €300,000 -> Making sustainable bio-textiles by using left-overs from food crop harvests.
The Regenerator/Swerea €250,000Separating cotton and polyester blends, turning them into new textile fiber.
Algae Apparel/Algalife €150,000 -> Turning algae into bio-fiber and eco-friendly dye that is also good for the skin.
Smart Stitch/Resortecs €150,000 -> A dissolvable thread that makes repairing and recycling a breeze.
Fungi Fashion/MycoTEX €150,000 -> Custom-made clothes made from decomposable mushroom roots.
What I can do:
More research on eco-friendly materials and fashion companies;
Invest in high quality pieces that can be re-worn in different situations and seasons;
Discover, highlight and invest in companies with environmentally friendly actions and charitable campaigns.
As much as I enjoy discovering seasonal trends in fashion, I do not want to be just a consumer. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, I love nature and appreciate everything that she’s constantly sharing with us. I want to be able to make smart choices. I know that it’s difficult to resist temptations, but step by step we can change the consumer behaviour. The companies will have no choice than to listen to us.
To end with, I want to highlight some brands that are having such initiatives, by sharing their vision, as stated in their about section.
Reformation – Fabric is the magic. We make our pieces from super sustainable materials, rescued deadstock fabrics, and repurposed vintage clothing. As we grow, our goal is to push harder to create more sustainable fabric options.
Re/Done– RE/DONE is a movement – a movement to restore individuality to the luxury fashion space, a movement to keep heritage brands relevant, and a movement to create sustainable fashion. We take the vintage denim apart at the seams, repurposing it as the fabric of our new jeans. We are proud to manufacture our jeans in Downtown Los Angeles using water conserving methods and no harsh chemicals. Quantities will always be limited since each pair is handpicked, hand cut, and distinctly one of a kind.
Amur – A clothing collection created in New York City that was born from the concept that great style does not have to come at the expense of our environment—and that design can strike a balance between beauty and good intentions. It’s an approach that’s woven into our very name: A Mindful Use of Resources.
Edun – Sustainability is the crux of our values; a reason to exist that is both ethical and responsible. The majority of our collections are sourced from mills that minimise their impact on the environment, with organic, recyclable or biodegradable qualities but also with water conservation, usage of solar energy or less pesticides. This aids in having a less harmful impact on the planet. Being a sustainable-forward company means working with new and evolving materials, challenging traditional ideas but also investing in quality.
Bonus: Sezane, for the ‘Demain action’ – The call to action arrived in 2017 with the T-shirt La Femme, which helped us raise over 150 000 euros for UN Women. And then my encounter with Martine Brousse, President of La Voix de L’Enfant. More than ever, I choose to keep Sézane on this path and to carry the commitment personally: with our daily program for children DEMAIN, which aims to raise 1 000 000 euros per year to improve access to culture and education.
Photos via Reformation, Re/Done, Amur, Edun, Sezane, Pomegranate Juice
More Lavender, Please
They say that Scorpios tend to be obsessive. I reckon that it’s true; mostly when it comes to fashion. Each season, based on the current trends, mood-boards and personal intuition I obsess on a colour.
Last summer it was shades of green, this summer will be lavender and shades of purple. I admit that one of lavender’s cousins, lilac, has always been a favourite of mine, as I was growing up in my grandparents garden. They usually sprung around Easter, so I have always associated them with that time of the year.
Another flower, the iris, is also a personal favourite. Too bad that once you cut them, they won’t last. By the way, look at the iris to see what a beautiful combination purple and yellow make.
Speaking of interesting combinations, did you ever try to combine purple and red? You would be surprised of the visual effect that they have, when worn together. Same goes for green and purple. Also, combinations of lavender and pink, purple and fuchsia, or turquoise and purple create a classy attire.
Let’s not forget about fields of sweet violets or hyacinths in the spring, or endless fields of lavender in the summer. They will not only make the perfect background for your perfect shot, but also seduce you with their scent.
Last but not least, ultra violet has been chosen the colour of the year for 2018 by Pantone, so if you did not have enough reasons to give it a try, maybe this argument will convince you.
My top choices for SS’18 are the silver – lavender reflections slip dress from Ralph Lauren, the lavender top from Reformation, the metallic asymmetrical dress from Alexandre Vauthier, the floral dress from Ulla Johnson, and the oversized dress from Rosie Assoulin.
P.S.: I actually also love all the Reformation dresses, but that goes for all colours and shapes.
More reasons to choose lavender:
Photos via Vogue. The Reformation, Framboise, Maison Raquette, H&M, Murmur, Matches Fashion
Good things are happening in Oradea - Sightseeing
Note: Check the attached link for further information regarding the mentioned sights and places to visit.
Go directly to Restaurants and Cafes: Link
The city center palace: Black Eagle Palace
Located in Unirii Square, the Black Eagle Palace is one of the most beautiful buildings in Oradea and a proper example of the Oradea architectural Secession style. Besides its beautiful exterior, the palace is known for its stained glass designs, one of them representing the Black Eagle.
The Episcopal Palace and its Church
Also known as the Baroque Palace, the building is a great example of the late Austrian Baroque style. We went there thinking that we were going to visit the Crisul County Museum, but we found out at the entrance that the museum had moved to a different building and that we could not visit the interiors at all. Hopefully the owners of this wonderful construction will take care of it and give us the chance to visit it in the future.
The museum: Crisul County Museum
The “Museum of the Three Rivers Land” had recently moved to a different location (The School for Cadets), so we were not able to see all of its exhibits (available: tapestry, sculpture and paintings). We will probably return during our next visit as the description of the entire collection seems impressive.
The City Hall Tower
This is a must see, if you want to have the best view of the main square and the Crisul Repede river. There are a few steps to climb, but the view at the top should be worth it.
The Old Fortress
The Oradea Fortress is one of the historically most significant buildings in the whole country. It has been attentively restored and it now holds several events and fairs, one of the most important being the Christmas Fair. Inside its walls you can also find a hotel and a nice Bistro, called BastiOr.
The Moon Church is one of the main attractions in Unirii Square. Its name derives from the moon installed on its facade, that indicates the moon phases. You can read more about this interesting mechanism and the church here.
The Neolog Synagogue ‘Zion’
Dating back to 1878, the Zion Synagogue is a beautiful example of a Neolog Temple. It will surely impress you with its colourful ceilings and and walls. The light slips gently through the windows only to reflect elegantly on the walls.
Mushroom Hill/Dealul Ciuperca
Also known as “Oradi(e)a’s Hill”, this is the best place to watch the sunrise/sunset, if you are a romantic at heart. The view from the top will emphasise the beauty and tranquility of the town. Bonus: you can also have a romantic dinner at the restaurant from the top of the hill.
Must try local food: Langos
Places worth visiting: Darvas-La Roche House, closed for renovation until 2019.
Noteworthy buildings: Astoria Hotel (Sztarill Palace), Oradea State Theatre, Moskvits Palace
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Good things are happening in Oradea - Restaurants and Cafes
Note: Check the attached link for further information regarding the mentioned sights and places to visit.
Go directly to Sightseeing: Link
The upper street coffeeshop: Ristretto
Well positioned on the main pedestrian street in the old town, Ristretto has one of the best coffees in town. As a bonus, the products that we ordered looked exactly like the pictures from the menu.
The river restaurant: Rivo
This restaurant deserves its place in the top 5, although it was not our favourite based on what we tasted and where we had the chance to go. I would love to visit it during the summer, as the outside terrace looked really nice, and I had one of the best Gin Cocktails I ever tried. It is perfect for a romantic dinner or a family reunion.
The winner restaurant: MEATic
MEATic was definitely our favourite restaurant. We went there twice, ordered something different (except the dessert, dreamy cheese dumplings!) and enjoyed it equally much. Our dream of finding reinvented Romanian recipes that could make us fall in love again with our local cuisine came true.
The friendly coffeeshop: The Spot
If you want to relax after admiring the beautiful buildings surrounding Unirii Square and maybe visiting the City Hall Tower, you should pay a visit to this coffee shop and its friendly personnel. Besides good coffee, The Spot also serves yummy raw-vegan desserts made by Sweet Magnolia. I also tried a delicious Masala Chai.
The wine bistro: Rewine
Although the establishment is recommended for serving wine, we went there for breakfast and coffee, and we were not disappointed. We would have wanted to come back for a glass of wine and some pinchos, but the time spent in Oradea was too short.
The brunch restaurant: Baraw
They say that you should save the best for last, and apparently we did so with our last breakfast in Oradea. One delicious granola for me and maybe one omelette croissant for you. They also serve a large variety of burgers, the perfect option for a nourishing brunch.

The cool coffeeshop: Snoozz
Situated next to the Traian Park, Snoozz has the same atmosphere as our favourite coffeeshops in Bucharest. You can also enjoy a yummy bagel next to your choice of coffee. We can not wait to go back when we return to Oradea!
The fancy restaurant: Spoon
Spoon reminded me of the fancy places surrounding Herastrau Lake in Bucharest. If you want to relax with your friends in the weekend, this is the place to go.

N.B.: Reliva restaurant seems like a nice option for a romantic dinner. We wanted to make a reservation for Sunday but it was going to be closed so we did not have the chance to taste the menu.
Restaurants worth trying, although not tested: Allegria, Via29, The Hub, Rosecas.
Coffee to go: Street Coffee Roasters
Future coffee place: The Dripper
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Good things are happening in Oradea
happening in Oradea
Good things are happening in Oradea. What makes them this way are the people. You don’t get the chance to meet positive, optimistic, enthusiastic people that often. At least not in Bucharest. I enjoyed my time in Oradea, but what I liked most was meeting its residents. I’ve felt like I was visiting an old friend to whom I had not spoken in a while, but who still treated me like we met last week. If you want to rebuild your trust in people, I recommend a city break in Oradea.
Good coffee and good food. When you have the both of them, what more could you ask for from a cool getaway? Well, a handful of interesting sights and some fancy art nouveau architecture. Oradea has them all.
Hop on and check them out:
Go directly to Restaurants and Cafes: Link
Go directly to Sightseeing: Link
Note: Check the attached link for further information regarding the mentioned sights and places to visit.
Recently it has become a lot easier to visit Oradea. The airport suffered some changes and there are quite a few direct flights to the city. I’ve bought my ticket from TAROM for only 40€ during the Black Friday offers, but there are flights also available from Blue Air and Ryanair.
happening in Oradea
happening in Oradea
happening in Oradea
5 trenduri de care ne vom reindragosti in primavara
Unul dintre cele mai iubite imprimeuri revine in prim plan sub forma pantalonilor. Nu-ti fie teama sa iesi in evidenta alegand un imprimeu in culori puternice precum galben sau portocaliu! Anul acesta, cand vorbim despre tartan, mesajul este “more is more”. Daca vrei totusi sa mergi pe directia clasica, alege un model alb/ecru cu dungi negre/gri. Accesorizeaza-ti tinuta cu o pereche de cercei statement.
Tricourile cu mesaj
Daca credeai ca ai scapat de tricourile vedeta ale verii trecute, te-ai inselat. Si nu ne pare rau, deoarece sunt versatile si pot fi purtate in multe combinatii. Rock, Sport, Casual si lista poate continua. Alege un mesaj care te reprezinta si striga-l in gura mare.
trenduri de primavara
Fustele creion
Un clasic caruia ii place lumina reflectoarelor. O reteta de succes a tinutelor office. Fusta creion nu trebuie sa lipseasca din garderoba vreunei femei moderne. Este un element care ne poate salva in diminetile in care ne grabim si tinuta pregatita anterior nu ne mai place. Indrazneste sa optezi pentru un model din material metalic sau transparent, daca o porti in afara orelor de munca.
De cativa ani, designerii ne indeamna sa trecem peste barierele legate de imprimeuri. Nu exista imprimeuri ce nu pot fi purtate impreuna, mai ales cand paleta de culori ne permite. Buline & dungi, flori & dantela, animal print & paiete? Podiumul le apartine celor care au curajul sa incerce. Cu siguranta nu vei fi o aparitie usor de uitat.
Gentile in jurul soldului
Un trend care si-a facut aparitia timid in trecut, ia amploare anul acesta. De data eceasta este mai indraznet si asociat unor tinute mai elegante sau boeme. Geanta in jurul soldului nu este un acessoriu ce poate fi purtat doar la un festival sau o alergare in parc. Este un element versatil si usor de manevrat care poate fi luat la birou sau la un cocktail party. Fii indrazneata si poart-o alaturi de o rochie cu paiete sau un costum smart.
Photos via,,,,
Hello Snow
For some years, snow isn’t such a common thing like it used to be twenty years ago. I remember that it used to snow from the end of November until March. Sometimes the snow was so tall that you could build rooms where you could squeeze into. Now, you’re lucky if you get some snow in January. This makes you cherish even more this natural phenomenon that some people only dream of. Maybe this is the reason why every time it snows your heart starts beating faster and you start acting like you’ve never seen snow in your life.